If you see this plant in your backyard, don’t step on it

Here's Just a Glimpse of What You'll Find in

The Forager's Guide to Wild Foods

Inside, you’ll discover over 400 plants that never made it to most people’s lives, kitchens or medicine cabinets.

The most important thing that I would like to show you, and that many books lack, is how to correctly identify these plants.

I went through great lengths to print this book in color with HUGE pictures for each plant, to make it easy to identify.

I also added extra photos of the defining features of the plant, so you will know exactly what to look for to make the correct identification. 

With the distribution map I added, you will also be able to search only for plants growing in your area.

Because I want you to be 110% safe and sure you got the right plant, I added a Poisonous-Lookalike section for each plant explaining the differences you should look for.

Each plant that has medicinal properties also has a section on how to use it as a remedy.

You will also find instructions on how to prepare the wild foods for several purposes, how and when to harvest, depending on the season, and a few delicious time-tested recipes to prepare these wild foods like a seasoned forager.

The Wild Plant That You Can Pop, Just like Popcorn

You’ll discover a common backyard plant that you can pop, just like popcorn. The only difference is that it tastes better with a nutty flavor, and it’s gluten free!

This plant is pretty common all over America and I think you’ve seen it many times before.

Young leaves can be picked in early spring and used raw in salads or cooked. They taste like spinach. They are best harvested early in the day and plunged into cold salted water for 15 min.

But the true power of this plant lies in its seeds. They are very tiny, the size of sesame seeds, and you should pop them. Just place them in a tall pot and let the magic begin. I think you will love it.

Plants and Fruits That You Would Better Forage In Winter

Rose-hips in Winter

I’ll also show you the plants and fruits that you would better forage in Winter. Rosehips, for example, are a million times more delicious after the first frost, when they become creamy and sweet.

The Ultimate Survival Swamp Food

I’ll also show you why Cattails are literally all you need to survive. Survivalists call this plant the super-market of the swamp because you can eat every part of it, even its pollen. Cattails are a tactical four-season food that can save your life and keep you strong even in the darkest times.

What To Do If You Come Across These Pods?

You’ll find out how to identify and take advantage of the American Hog-Peanut.

This common plant has the interesting ability to produce two types of flowers and two types of seeds at the same time.

The lower, usually underground pods contain a very large single seed that tastes like peanuts and can be eaten raw.

The upper pods contain numerous smaller seeds that taste like garden beans and need to be cooked.

So how would you feel, if one day there won’t be any more food left to buy, but you could still come back home to your family with a pile of these treats?

The Succulent Red Plant That Tastes Like Bacon

I’ll also show you the fast-growing succulent red plant that resembles and tastes like bacon when cooked.

American Beech Nuts – A Staple At The Grocery Store 100 Years Ago

You’ll also discover a Nut that was a mainstay at the grocer 100 years ago, but people barely can recognize them nowadays. American beech nuts are sweet and taste best after the first hard frost of autumn. You can separate the burrs by hand and dry the nuts in the sun. The shells can be cracked in the oven and then eaten.

The pioneers also boiled them to skim off their oil for cooking and to light lamps.

“Healthy Pringles”: The Nutritious Leaves That Make Crispy Chips

I’ll also show you how to make, what I like to call, “Healthy Pringles”.

The leaves of this plant have the unique ability to be turned into tasty, crispy, finger-licking chips.

Morel: The $200 A Pound (Dried) Common Mushroom That Could Be Growing In Your Area

You’ll discover a very distinctive but common mushroom that grows in all 50 states.

This mushroom is called Morel and is worth around $50 a pound and can even go as high as $200 a pound in dried form on Amazon and eBay.

There are no similar lookalikes, but just to be double sure you got the right one, slice it in two. If it is hollow from top to bottom on the inside, they are Morels. These mushrooms can be dried for long term storage and reconstituted later by soaking them in water.

If I were to recommend you a plant or mushroom to forage for profit, this would be it, as it's expensive and in huge demand.

What To Do If You Find This Odd Berry?

I’ll also show you what to do if you find this odd berry that is very high in natural pectin, and how to use it for preserves and jams, keeping your desired consistency while decreasing the sugar you need to use.

Next Time You Pass By This Painkilling Plant, STOP And Do This (It’s Not Dandelion)

Take a stalk or a leaf and tear it in two.

The plant secretes a milky, white substance, known as lactucarium that has painkilling effects. You can add it to your salads, or you can collect its sap for a painkilling elixir to have around.

How To Make Nutrient Rich Maple Syrup

I’ll also show you when to best tap the Bigleaf Maple or Sugar maple tree to get the maximum yield out of sap.

The Native Americans boiled maple sap into sugar using hot stones, but of course it's much easier to use your stove or oven.

It takes 40 parts of sap to produce 1 part of syrup. Boil the sap to evaporate the water content then use a coffee filter or gauze to remove sediments and you’re left with a wonderful natural sweetener, filled with antioxidants.

The 'Superplant' That Saved Large Communities During The Great Crash of 1930

You’ll also discover a plant called Lamb’s Quarters.

During the Great Crisis of 1930, this plant saved large communities from starvation and malnutrition. Growing all over the US, this superplant is also called “wild spinach” and it contains substantially more nutrients than cultivated spinach and kale.

Well, if hard times will ever come again, wouldn't you prefer to have this information on hand so you can identify this plant and other superplants growing in your area?

How To Make an Elderflower Probiotic

I will also show you how to make an elder-flower probiotic, that's good for both reducing inflammation and regulating bowel movement.

The Mushroom That Got Me Out Of The Wheelchair

You’ll also discover how to recognize Reishi, the mushroom that got me out of the wheelchair.

Every day since that day… 20 years ago, I’m taking - along with other remedies – a tincture I make from this mushroom. Alongside my remedies, it helps a lot with my MS, and I gladly recommend it.

How To Make Wild Bread (With Dandelions)

I’ll also show you how to make a crispy crust wild dandelion bread. So if dandelions grow somewhere near you, go ahead and put them to good use.

Just imagine when you open up the oven and fill your home with the smell of a freshly baked bread with a sweet-dandelion flavor.

American Lotus: The Plant That Tastes Like Sweet Potatoes (But Has Holes In It)

You’ll also discover what to do if you find the common lake and swamp plant American Lotus. The most delicious part is its arm long roots that taste like sweet potatoes, but has holes in it. As kids we called them telephone dials for obvious reasons. Its chestnut flavored seeds known as "alligator corn" are ground into flour or can be pressed for extracting oil.

What You Must Do Immediately After Identifying Coltsfoot

I’ll also show you what to do immediately after identifying coltsfoot. This plant holds the secret to unblocking your airways and fighting colds, the flu and stopping uncontrollable coughs. In fact it’s Latin name Tussilago means ‘to act on cough’.

The Only Food That Grows Almost Faster Than You Can Eat It

I’ll also show you something truly extraordinary, an algae that grows almost faster than you can eat it.

If you look at it for some time, you can actually see it grow. That was one of the treats I ate on Alone show on Vancouver Island.

So next time you find this plant washed up on the beaches, open your new book and find out what to do with it.

The Delicious Secret This Common Plant Holds Hidden From Sight

You'll discover the delicious secret this common plant holds hidden from sight.

If you pull up this invasive plant, you can find its nut-shaped edible tubers that taste somewhere between almonds and hazelnuts.

Foragers call them earth almonds. They can be eaten raw right out of the ground. Or you can dry them for later use.

When your friends ask you what are these delicious treats... I'm pretty sure they'll be blown away when you'll show them this common plant.

When And Why You Should Chew Yarrow

I’ll also show you how to use yarrow leaves as one of nature’s most effective band aid.

Simply chew and apply it directly to the wound for 2-3 min.

This instant field poultice helps prevent the infection of the wound and stops the bleeding.

The Berry That Is Illegal To Grow (In Some States), But Perfectly Fine To Forage

I’ll also show the berry that is illegal to grow in some states, but perfectly fine to forage for. If you find a single Gooseberry bush, you can gather around 12 pounds of Gooseberries and you can return year after year to take advantage of it.

The Plant That Is Sweeter Than Sugar And Helps People Who Are Not Allowed to Eat Sugar

You’ll also uncover a wild plant that is sweeter than sugar and helps people who are not allowed to eat sugar.

Its sweetness comes from a compound found in the roots, with a taste similar to sugar but less instant and more long-lasting.

In The Forager's Guide to Wild Edibles you will also find other sugar substitutes that are OK to eat especially if you are not allowed to eat sugar.

The Most Sought Out Dish At Nature’s Restaurant

I’ll also show you the most sought out dish at nature’s restaurant together with other over 50 edible berries that you will find inside The Forager’s Guide to Wild Foods.

What You Should Do Immediately When You Find An Alligator Tree?

You’ll also discover what you should do immediately when you find an 'Alligator Tree'.

It is very easy to identify, as its bark perfectly mimics an alligator skin.

The Zuni tribe steamed its berries and turned it into something that should find its way onto your dinner plate.

The Mini-Watermelons You Can Find In The Wild

I’ll show you how to find mini watermelons in the wild.

The Watermelon Berry provides instant refreshment, while quenching thirst and giving your body a fistful of vitamins.

Did I mention it tastes like watermelon?  

What Happens If You Eat This Plant? The World’s Smallest Flowering Plant

I will also show you the common, but usually unpopular pond dwelling micro plant that can save your life one day.

This is the world’s smallest flowering plant in the world, almost half the size of a grain of rice.

But while it might be teeny tiny, it contains all essential amino-acids, vitamins and minerals, rivalling animal protein. It tastes like sweet cabbage and can be cooked just like it.

+ 3 Bonuses Included for FREE and + 24/7 Support

If you get the Forager’s Guide to Wild Foods today, you’ll also take advantage of - a limited offer - of 3 exclusive gifts that will be off the table soon:

First you will get The Wilderness Survival Guide. In it you will find the survival skills that can help you craft resources from your surroundings in the great outdoors. This gift can help you take your self-reliance skills to the next level. It also serves as a great bug out resource you want to have by your side in times of need or when you go out foraging.

*The gift is available in digital format only

The second exclusive bonus you’ll receive is called Household Remedies – How to recover Naturally at Home. In it you’ll discover our grandparent’s remedies that you can put to good use.

From making a Black Radish cough syrup to vinegar socks, you will find a home remedy for most common ailments. With this gift you can try all these time-tested remedies from the comfort of your own home.

*The gift is available in digital format only

The third bonus you’ll get is 104 Long Lasting Foods You can Make at Home.

In it you’ll discover the long-lasting foods from a time when there was no electricity and refrigerators.

These foods are a great addition to anybody’s pantry or stockpile as in times of need they will not spoil and may save lives.

*The gift is available in digital format only

The Forager’s Guide to Wild Foods:

The Forager's Guide to Wild Foods gives you access to an endless, free, healthy supply of food that can also be your lifeline in a crisis. By comparison, a years’ emergency supply of food for one person costs at least $3000. And if in an emergency you have to evacuate, you will leave your supplies behind. That is not the case with this book, as you can take it with you everywhere you want. I think every person should have this book in their home, next to their emergency foods or in their bug out bags. This knowledge is better at your fingertips now, as you might not be able to get it during crisis or blackouts.

This book isn't cheap to make. It’s filled with high resolution, full-color, full-page pictures that require a lot of quality ink and cutting edge printers. This is why we were able to afford printing it only in a limited edition.

So today you can get: The Forager’s Guide to Wild Foods + The Wilderness Survival Guide + Household Remedies + 104 Long Lasting Foods You can Make at Home not for $128, but for a one-time payment of just $37.

$37 is just a single meal in a not-so-fancy restaurant, while with The Forager’s Guide to Wild Foods you can put food and medicine on your table for a lifetime.

It’s obvious that you can save a lot more money than the price of this book, even in a single forage run.

Learning to look after yourself with the help of what nature gives freely is the ultimate form of self-reliance, and the best thing you can do for your health.

The only way to take advantage of this unique offer is to click the “Add to Cart” button below now.

Keep-the-book Money-Back Guarantee!

You will also be covered by my KEEP-THE-BOOK MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE!

You have a full 60 days to try The Forager’s Guide to Wild Foods. If at any time during those 60 days you are NOT COMPLETELY satisfied with this guide, send us an email or message and we will refund you the price of the book. It’s as simple as that!

You can choose to keep the physical book, even if we refund you the $37.

Why You Should Get

The Forager's Guide to Wild Foods

A “food insurance policy” for hard times:

I think every person should have this book in their home, next to their emergency foods or in their Bug out Bags. Even people who are NOT planning on using this book on a regular basis should have it on their bookshelf to help them put food on the table in case hard times are coming ahead. This knowledge is better at your fingertips now, as you might not be able to get when you'll need it most.

The best resource to have around in the outdoors:

Haven’t you ever bumped into a mushroom, berry or plant and wondered if it’s edible or not? … and what to do with it? Maybe there are times when you're still not sure about a certain plant, and you need to consult the book, despite your vast experience. Or maybe you don’t have experience at all and just want to find wild goodies using the book.

Take advantage of the medicinal plants growing around your home:

Inside The Forager’s Guide to Wild Foods you’ll find lots of medicinal plants including the ones I use regularly and instructions on how to take advantage of them. So how would you feel to make your own medicine from plants growing around you instead of relying only on chemical compounds found in pills?

The healthiest foods you can eat:

There’s absolutely nothing you can buy in supermarkets that comes close to the plants you pick yourself from the wild. They have no GMOs, no pesticides and they are good for your health. Even products sold in stores as ORGANIC are allowed to be genetically modified, so long as there are no kind of man-made pesticides or chemical fertilizers involved in the growing process.

Wild foods are extremely nutritious:

Most plants and fruits that you can buy in supermarkets and groceries are depleted of important nutrients. The supermarket plants grow bigger and faster than their wild ancestors, but they cannot sustain the concentration of important nutrients and vitamins the wild foods have. Wild plants are extremely nutritious and full of antioxidants and vitamins that help our bodies in the long run.

Save some of the money you pay on food:

Comparing to the overpriced organic foods, the wild foods are completely FREE and up for grabs. Over the years I think I saved maybe thousands of dollars that I would have normally spent on supermarket foods. There is no good reason why you shouldn’t replace a part of the foods you purchase with foods that are better for you and are FREE.

Start a new wonderful chapter in your life:

It’s never too early nor too late to start learning a new useful skill.

The plant knowledge is no longer taught as it has been for thousands of generations before us. If we don’t do something about it, this knowledge will be lost forever and one day we might pay the ultimate price for this.

When you were growing up, it was probably your parents or grandparents that helped you identify your very first berry.

This is something only YOU can pass down to your kids and grand-kids as they don’t learn these skills from TV, gadgets or schools.

A stress-free escape:

There are very few things in life more gratifying and fulfilling than walking without care in nature. Your mind is far from the daily stress, looking for the next plant you will pick. Foraging is both practical and relaxing, and it surely benefits both your mind and body providing a much needed, but profitable, escape. Walking in nature also helps people who want to lose weight pleasantly, without feeling the effort.

More About Nicole Apelian, Ph.D

Dr. Nicole Apelian is an herbalist, a mother, a survival skills instructor, and a biologist. She graduated with a degree in Biology from McGill University in Canada and has her Master’s degree in Ecology from the University of Oregon. She earned her Doctorate through Prescott College while working as an anthropologist and ethnobotanist in Botswana.

She has spent years living in nature with the San Bushmen of the Kalahari Desert, one of the last indigenous peoples who still live as hunter-gatherers.

Nicole gained key survival and foraging skills during the years she's spent living with one of the oldest cultures on Earth, the San Bushmen. The hunter-gatherer San live completely off the land. Their name literally means” picking up from the ground”, or what we call foraging. 

Food gathering and harvesting medicines is a way of life she adopted for her personal wellness after being diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. She found that for her, nature’s medicine was more effective than the standard treatment she was prescribed. She went from being pushed around in a wheelchair to taking back full control over her life and being able to properly care for her children.

And in 2015 she was among the first women to be selected for the History Channel’s TV show Alone. There she survived in the wild for 57 days, complete alone, mostly by foraging wild plants for both food and medicine.

Nicole believes that there are many more people who need to take advantage of the healthy, free wild food growing in their area.

This became her life’s mission and the main reason for writing this book. In it she poured over 20 years of plant knowledge and her first-hand experiences in both making natural remedies and finding foods in the wild.